A Worthy Walk

So…this is a bit of a personal confession.  This whole Good Works Project has been on my mind for years.  The truth is that I think I’m a good guy.  I’d like to think that others would tell you the same thing…that I’m the kind of guy who would give you the shirt off my back.

However, if I’m honest….I don’t know that I’ve ever spent a day without my shirt on.

The reality is that while I have that heart for doing good & helping others, I seldom actually do it.  I think about it, talk about it, get emotional about it, get motivated, and two weeks later….nothing.  My wife and I have both said, “If God would just let us win the lottery, we would give it all away and do some good in the world.”  It’s silly isn’t it?  It’s like we are waiting to become wealthy so we can be philanthropic or something.  AND, it’s like somehow money is a substitute for action.  Since we don’t seem to have a lot of extra cash laying around, we have a convenient excuse for sitting idly by while people who need our help (help that we could easily provide) go without.

The more I talked to others, the more I found that I am not alone.  It’s sad, really.  Most of us are daydreaming about the generous life we aspire to live, without actually doing anything to make it happen.

Why is that?

Especially for me, since I believe my Christian faith calls me to do good works and serve my fellow man.  Often on Sunday mornings, I will hear a minister reminding me that my life is a gift that I should honor by serving others….and still I wait.  About a year ago, I had the opportunity to hear Jonathan Falwell speak, and one comment he made stuck with me to this day.  “Is your walk worthy of your calling?”  Yikes!  Um……well……no…..I mean not now it isn’t, but soon I’m going to get it together and be that guy I’m supposed to be.

Did I mention that was over a year ago?

Well this year, for Lent, I gave up procrastinating and making excuses about my unworthy walk.

I’ll be perfectly honest with you…I created The Good Works Project for me.  It is my way of getting myself awakened and active in a way I’ve never been before.  I want to do something good.  I want to do something. I want to DO. Starting today……and every day hereafter….I’m going to do some good for someone who needs it.

Having said that…The Good Works Project no longer belongs to me.  It’s OURS now.

My sincere hope is that you find the Good Works Project to be a way to get yourself going, too.  I hope you will take my cause and make it your cause.  I hope you get as excited as I am. I hope you connect with us and contribute to the mission.  We have big plans.  As more and more people get involved, our collective capability to do good expands.  I want to tap into that potential, and get hundreds, thousands, or even millions of people involved.  I want to think BIG and go FAST, and spark the creative genius of the crowd to sustain our efforts and attract others who share our vision to do good things for a world that desperately needs it.

Don Webb

Don is the Co-Founder & President of The Good Works Project, a social enterprise created to encourage people to serve those in need and do “good works” for a world that desperately needs it. He is an author, speaker, media & content creator, and aspiring do-gooder.


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